Safe-Guard: Safeguard .5% Pellets
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CATTLE: For the removal and control of: Lungworms; Stomach worms: Barberpole worms, brown stomach worms,
small stomach worms; Intestinal worms: Hookworms, thread-necked intestinal worms, small intestinal
worms; Bankrupt worms; Nodular worms. Use as a top dressing on feed at the rate of 1 lb for
each 1,000 lb of body weight.
HORSES: For the removal and control of: Large and Small Strongyles, Pinworms, and Ascarids. Feed 1 lb pkg to
1000 lb horse in one feeding (with daily ration).
Residue Warning
Cattle must not be slaughtered within 13 days following last treatment.
For dairy cattle, there is no milk withdrawal period.
Administration and Dosage
5 mg fenbendazole per kg body weight in a ONE (1) DAY TREATMENT (2.27 mg fenbendazole per pound
of body weight).
Feed for ONE (1) DAY. No prior withdrawal of feed or water necessary. When feed containing Safe-Guard®
has been fed for 1 day according to recommended rates (see product package), a total intake of 2.27 mg
fenbendazole per pound of body weight is assured.
Under conditions of continued exposure to parasites, retreatment may be needed after 4-6 weeks.